Crack They’ll Hold Your Horses NYT: Conquer the Crossword

they'll hold your horses nyt

Ah, the thrill of deciphering cryptic clues, the satisfaction of filling in the last square. Crossword puzzles, a mental gymnastic that has captivated minds for generations. But what happens when you encounter a particularly stubborn clue? A phrase like “they’ll hold your horses nyt” can send even the most seasoned puzzlers into a frenzy. Fear not, for we’re here to unravel this cryptic enigma.

Today, we embark on a journey to decipher the elusive “they’ll hold your horses nyt” crossword clue. Our aim is to provide not just the answer, but a comprehensive exploration of the phrase, its context, and valuable tips to enhance your crossword-solving prowess. Buckle up as we dive into the world of words and wits.

The Answer to the “they’ll hold your horses nyt” Clue:

Let’s cut to the chase. The answer to the perplexing “they’ll hold your horses nyt” crossword clue is BRIDLE.

But why bridle? Well, a bridle is a piece of horse tack used to control a horse, essentially “holding its horses”. It’s a clever play on words, making it a fitting answer for the NYT crossword puzzle. The clue itself is a playful nudge, requiring solvers to think beyond the literal meaning of “hold your horses”, a common phrase meaning “wait”.

Deeper Dive into “they’ll hold your horses nyt”:

While we’ve uncovered the answer to the “they’ll hold your horses nyt” clue, let’s delve deeper into the fascinating world of words surrounding it. The phrase “hold your horses” itself is a colorful idiom urging patience and caution. It’s a phrase deeply rooted in the English language, appearing in countless forms of literature and media.

Originating from the equestrian world, the literal act of holding a horse’s reins to control its movement is the perfect metaphor for patience. The “they’ll hold your horses nyt” clue cleverly taps into this imagery, challenging solvers to think creatively. Understanding the historical context of horse riding and the role of bridles enriches the appreciation for this crossword puzzle gem.

Tips to Conquer the Crossword:

Mastering the art of crossword puzzles requires a blend of knowledge, strategy, and a dash of luck. While clues like “they’ll hold your horses nyt” can pose a challenge, there are techniques to enhance your puzzle-solving prowess.

Start by analyzing the grid. Word length, letter patterns, and symmetry are essential clues. Cross-references are your allies; information from one clue can unlock another. For tricky clues like “they’ll hold your horses nyt”, consider multiple interpretations of words. Look for puns, wordplay, or obscure meanings. Don’t be afraid to guess, but use the process of elimination to narrow down your options.

Immerse yourself in the world of crosswords. Subscribe to your favorite puzzle publications, explore online resources, and join puzzle communities. Consistent practice sharpens your skills. Remember, every puzzle is a learning experience. Enjoy the journey of discovery and the satisfaction of a completed grid.

Join the Crossword Community:

Unraveling the mysteries of “they’ll hold your horses nyt” is just the beginning. The world of crosswords is a vibrant community brimming with enthusiasts eager to share their knowledge and passion. Let’s connect!

Share your triumphs, challenges, and favorite solving strategies. Did you find a clever approach to the “they’ll hold your horses nyt” clue? Have you encountered other perplexing puzzles? Let’s learn from each other. Spread the word about this article on social media, inviting fellow crossword aficionados to join the conversation.

Connect with online crossword communities and forums. Engage in discussions, participate in challenges, and expand your crossword horizons. Together, we can create a thriving space for puzzle lovers to share insights, tips, and camaraderie.


Unraveling the “they’ll hold your horses nyt” crossword clue has been a journey through language, history, and puzzle-solving strategies. We’ve discovered the answer, explored the phrase’s origins, and shared tips to enhance your crossword skills. Remember, every clue is an opportunity to learn and grow.

By understanding the context of the “they’ll hold your horses nyt” clue, you’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of language and the creativity of puzzle constructors. Armed with these insights, you’re better equipped to tackle future challenges.

Bookmark this page for future reference, and keep exploring the world of crosswords. Happy solving!


Q- What is the meaning of hold your horses in idiom?

A: “Hold your horses” is an English idiom that means “wait” or “slow down.” It’s a colorful expression that originated from horseback riding, where literally holding the reins would prevent a horse from moving forward. Today, we use it to tell someone to be patient or to stop rushing.

Q- What is the meaning of the phrase “hold your horses” in the passage above?

A: In the passage, the phrase “hold your horses” is used in its common idiomatic sense, meaning “wait” or “slow down”. It’s a casual expression used to tell someone to be patient or to stop rushing.

Q- What’s another phrase for “hold your horses”?

A: Another way to say “hold your horses” is “wait a minute.” Both phrases mean to pause or slow down, and they’re often used in casual conversations to give someone a moment to think or to prevent them from rushing.

Q- What is the old saying hold your horses?

A: “Hold your horses” is an old saying that means “wait” or “slow down.” It’s like telling someone to take a pause and be patient. The phrase comes from a time when people rode horses, and the rider would literally hold the reins to stop the horse from going faster.

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